Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wisdoms of Religion and Science:

R-Faith is the substance reality is framed in. For all reality begins as thought before being manifested in the seen world... Faith is evidence of reality not yet manifested. Faith is more than believing, it is a knowing.
S-The laws are treated as “given” (like the law of gravity) and fixed forevermore. Therefore, to be a scientist, you have to have faith that the universe is governed by dependable, immutable, absolute, universal, mathematical laws of an unspecified origin.

R-Hindu Masters tell us that Brahma contained the infinities and all possibilities in his heart. One of the Seven Wisdoms is that the Infinite nature of God makes all things possible.
S-Quantum Reality is composed of Infinity! Its called the many worlds solution, but it describes our physical universe perfectly by allowing an infinite number of parallel universes to be part of the solution set.

R-All that there is and always will be, is the Eternal Ever Changing Now. All the past is, is the memory of the pattern before and all the future is, is anticipation of the pattern to come. There is no time there is just now.
S-time is an illusion. It is relative to the motion of the observer

R-Master teach that what we call reality is just our awareness choosing one of the infinite paths that lay before us. They teach that all life sprang from the Absolute Awareness and discovers its place in the Infinite.
S-Unless you observe something, it isn't real, it is only a potential set of probabilities that are not resolved unless observed.

R-Wisdom begins with balance. All things come from a balance of forces. Yin and Yang energies are not seperate energies; they are one and the same energy with two different charges.
S-All of the material physical universe is a balance of forces. Positive and negative energy in balance in an infinite array of forms and patterns. In fact, all of reality is a zero sum game.

R-There is but one God. All things belong to God and are one with God. It is our destiny to learn to connect and discover our Union with God.
S-At the most basic level of reality there is no separateness. Everything is connected to everything else.

R-Holyness is defined as the presence of God. Only God can make someone or something Holy. To become holy one must draw nearer to God and learn to walk in his ways.

Plese note that the only difference between the wisdoms of science and religion is Holyness.

The one Understanding was split into the 7 Great Wisdoms. Each of these flames are burning among the religions. Understand the 7 Wisdoms and you will have true Understanding. ---Chester

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