
Thursday, December 31, 2020


The Constitution Series (Ken Taylor blog)
Federalist Papers (off site)
"General Welfare"
Natural Born Citizen
The UnConstitutionality of Citizenship by Birth to Non-Americans
Democracy vs. Republic or Republic vs. Democracy
Socialism won't work
Democrats i.e. Neo-Socialist are to blame
Compulsory Government Education
(Rick Gee)

The Cloward-Piven Strategy:
Part I: Manufactured Crisis
Part II: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis
Part III: Conspiracy of the Lemmings

How to control people (Charlie Reese)
The 545 People Responsible For All Of U.S. Woes (Charlie Reese)

State's' Rights:
Valid and NOT southern (WDK)

Good Bills:
H.R. 17: Citizens' Self-Defense Act of 2009
H.R. 35: Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2009
H.R. 1207: Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009
H.R. 2629: Coercion is Not Health Care Act
H.R. 2630: Protect Patients and Physicians Privacy Act
H.R.3569 - Sunset All Czars Act (SAC ACT)
H.R. 450: Enumerated Powers Act

Bad Bills:
H.R.1 - Economic stimulus? Feds demand your medical records
Stimulus Agreement
New Stimulas (HR1) - compromise
H.R.45 - Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009
H. Con. Res. 185 (Presidential Czars)

Documentation on the bad parts of various bills:
Obama Supporter of Bad companies - HR1"stimulus"
More ambitious domestic agenda? HR1"stimulus"

U.S. congressional elections in 2010

Science & Religion:
My post on "Our Views: Creationists show clout" by, baton rouge
Wisdoms of Religion and Science:
The Quantum AUM/ॐ
Mystery of "Evolution vs Creation" Solved

Other sites:
This site aims to eventually provide almost everything one needs to accurately decide what is and is not constitutional in most situations, and what applicable constitutions require one to do. It is for constitutional decision support.

Where The Stars And Stripes And The Eagle Fly

You've Got To Stand For Something


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