Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valid and NOT southern - WDK

Most Americans have found out the difference between what Our Founding Fathers gave us and the country we have today. Unfortunately the country we have today, we have a federal government that nobody can really control. It is like the big bully guy on the block that pushes everybody around. And nobody can make the federal government abide by our charter that we bring to it – which is the Constitution. More or less they use the Constitution as a mat to walk upon. Real State’s Rights existed before Appomattox. At that time we the people of the sovereign States could force the federal government to abide by the Constitution. Today the federal government does as it pleases.

If you remember ever reading the Kentucky and Virginia Resolves in 1798, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson wrote the Resolves in which they told the world – and the Kentucky and Virginia Legislatures adopted these Resolutions – that the States did not create the federal government to be their lord and master. We created the federal government to be our servant. And they warned us that if we did not maintain strong state’s Rights the federal government would become our lord and master – in essence a tyrant. And that is what we have today.

Real State’s Rights is that type of state’s rights where the people of the sovereign states can enforce the limitations of the Constitution upon the federal government. And that is the main difference. And that is what we have to get back to.

It is not a Southern idea, it is an American idea. Northerners and Southerners at one time embraced this idea. Unfortunately after Appomattox that idea is now Gone With The Wind.

Both the politicians in Washington and the liberal media have basically told the American people that State’s Rights is just a code word for racism.

I love it when these people talk about we are using code words. I am almost 60 years old. I say what I think. I don’t have to run around and hide from anybody. I tell it like it is and as I feel. If you read any of my books you can tell exactly what I feel and what I believe. So I am not using as code words.

The idea that State’s Right is a code word for something evil is absolutely ridiculous. I know that the liberal media, especially the politically correct liberal media, they like to point to State’s Rights and say, “ … Oh that was just a defense of slavery” “Oh that was a defense of Jim Crowism, segregation, discrimination and things of that nature” “Something that the wicked Southerners were all about, but we don’t want that any more.”

The Truth is that State’s Rights has a very noble origin and it comes from the North as well as the South. Northern States when they entered this Union they embodied within their Constitution and in their adoption of the Constitution the concept of State’s Rights. More than anything else, they feared a strong central government that would become a tyrant.

I understand that anything can be misused, the Bible can be misused. Jim Jones was a preacher. But he misused the Bible. So there are things that can be misused. But we don’t condemn the Bible because Jim Jones misused it. We condemn Jim Jones and his activities. So the same thing is true whether or not we are talking about slavery or segregation. If these things were caused by State’s Rights it was a misuse of State’s Rights.

Now here is something that people don’t realize. Southerners are sometimes left straddled carrying the burden of guilt for slavery and segregation as if we were the ones who invented it. No we didn’t invent slavery, it was invented right after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. It was part of our sin nature. We didn’t invent slavery. Slavery existed up North as well as it down South. So this is not a Southern institution we are talking about here.

And as far as segregation, I know a lot of people say well the South is the place of segregation. Do you realize that in 1954 when the first Supreme Court decision, Brown vs. Board of Education, where was that board of education from? Do you recall?

Topeka, Kansas.

Now I am not real good on geography, but I don’t think that Kansas is down South, ToTo! So the point is – at that point in time there were 26 States in the United States had laws that discriminated against people of color. It was not just the South. New York City was just as segregated as Montgomery, Alabama at that time. This is not a Southern idea.

Another thing we got to remember – where did these laws come from? Do you have any idea where the laws of segregation came from? …

Most people think they came from Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi. They actually came from New England. The New England States were the first States that segregated black and white school children. Did you know that?

As a matter of fact, when the Supreme Court of the United States made segregation the law of the land in Plessey vs. Ferguson in 1898. Did you know that was a federal Supreme Court that did that, Ray. That wasn’t a Georgia Supreme Court or a Louisiana Supreme Court. That was a federal Supreme Court that said that segregation is now the law of the land in the United States – not just the South – in the United States of America.

Interestingly enough, of the judges that were on the Supreme Court at that time, there was only one Southerner on that Supreme Court. All the judges except for that one Southerner voted for segregation. The Southerner voted against it. How many times have you heard that Ray?

Not Often!

The guy who wrote the opinion, the majority opinion, for the Supreme Court that made segregation the law of the land was from Minnesota, not Mississippi. He based his concept upon a law in Massachusetts in 1845 that segregated white and black school children. But yet, it is always the South that is dumped on and has to carry the burden of that guilt. I am pointing this out for point number one: Southerners aren’t the ones who invented all of this we just have to carry the burden and number two: State’s Rights is something totally removed from that concept.

To give you a real good idea about this – have you ever heard of a guy by the name of Saint George Tucker. Saint George Tucker was an American patriot from Virginia – very well known legal scholar in the early history of the United States. He was from Virginia, he was a Southerner. But in 1803 he wrote some of the earliest pamphlets in opposition to slavery and in opposition to discrimination against people of color. When is the last time that you heard this about this great Southerner and Patriot who was opposed to the discrimination against people of color. You don’t heard things like that!

The reason that you don’t hear it is that you would have to say something nice about Southerners. And oh, we can’t have that, we only use Southerners as an evil person as somebody who we can point our children to and say aren’t you glad you are not like those wicked people down there in the South.

Well folks there you have it, some truth that you didn’t probably know about State’s Rights and about being Southern.

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